This glossary contains a list of useful Afrikaans/English legal terms for law of succession in South Africa. Law of succession entails the transfer and distribution of a person’s estates after their death. It details the beneficiaries who will succeed the deceased’s estates and their rights and duties with regard to the estate. How the assets and estates are distributed depends on whether the deceased left a will or not. The deceased either dies testate (with a will) or intestate (without a will). If the deceased dies testate then their estates and assets will be shared among their spouse and heirs according to the deceased’s will, if the deceased dies intestate then their property will be shared amongst their surviving family members according to the Intestate Succession Act 81 of 1987.  Below are Afrikaans/English: Legal terms for law of succession.

Afrikaans/English: Legal terms for law of succession

Afrikaans_English_ Legal Terms For Law Of Succession-sandton-capetown-durban-za



Absolute bequest

A bequest that does not contain any conditions. It is the simplest way of making a bequest and the effect of such a bequest is that vesting normally takes place upon the testator’s death.

Absolute bemaking

‘n Bemaking wat geen voorwaardes bevat nie. Dit is die eenvoudigste manier van bemaking en die effek van sodanige bemaking is dat oordrag normaalweg met die
testateur se afsterwe plaasvind.

Accrual or ius accrescendi

The right of a
testator’s beneficiaries, under specific
circumstances, to inherit an asset or assets which
another beneficiary is not capable of inheriting or
might not want to inherit.

Aanwas of ius accrescend

Die reg van die
testateur se begunstigdes om onder spesifieke
omstandighede ‘n bate of bates te erf waar ‘n
bevoordeelde nie in staat is om te erf of nie wil
erf nie.


A form of tacit revocation of a legacy  when a testator voluntarily alienates the object of  a legacy during his or her lifetime causing the  legacy to fail.

Adempsie ( stilswygende herroeping)

‘n soort  stilswyende terugtrekking van ‘n erfenis wanneer  ‘n testateur vrywillig die objek van ‘n legaat  tydens sy of haar leeftyd vervreem en veroorsaak  dat die legaat faal.


The acceptance of a benefit from the  estate of a testator.

Adiёring (aanvaarding)

Die aanvaarding van ‘n  voordeel van die boedel van ‘n testateur.

Administration of estate

The process, including all administrative actions to initiate and complete the process, by which a deceased estate is liquidated by an executor under the supervision of the Master of the High Court and is divided amongst the beneficiaries.

Administrasie van boedels

 Die proses, met  inbegrepe van alle administratiewe handelinge  om die proses te begin en te voltooi, waardeur ‘n  bestorwe boedel gelikwideer word deur ‘n  eksekuteur onder die toesig van die Weesheer (of  Meester van die Hooggeregshof) en verdeel word  onder al die begunstigdes.


Deletion, addition, alteration or interlineations by the testator. an amendment is distinguished from rectification, which takes place when a court adds, deletes or changes something in a will because the testator made a  mistake.

Amendement (wysiging)

Uitwissing, byvoeging,  verandering of interliniёring (tussen reёls skrywe)  deur die testateur. ‘n Amendement word  onderskei van rektifikasie (regmaking) wat  plaasvind wanneer ‘n hof iets byvoeg, uitwis, of  aan ‘n testament verander wanneer ‘n testateur  ‘n fout begaan het.

Animus testandi

The intention of the testator to make a will.

Animus testandi

Die bedoeling of intensie van ‘n  testateur om ‘n testament te maak.

Armchair evidence

Evidence used by the court to place itself in the position in which the testator was at the time of making of the will.


Getuienis wat ‘n hof gebruik  om sigself in die posisie waarin die testateur, ten  tyde van die opstel van die testament was, te  plaas.


Ancestors of the deceased; anybody in the ascending (upwards) line of relation. 

Voorouers of assendente

Voorgeslagte van die  oorledene; enige persoon in die voorafgaande  linie van ‘n bloedverwantskap.

Attestation clause

The clause that appears at the end of the will in which it is declared that all the parties were present and signed in one another’s presence. It may also record the place and date of the signature.


die klousule wat aan die  einde van die testament verskyn waarin verklaar  word dat al die partye teenwoordig was en in  mekaar se teenwoordigheid geteken het. Dit kan ook die plek en datum van die ondertekening  aandui.

Beneficiary/ beneficiaries

He person or persons to whom a testator’s estate is transferred.  Beneficiaries are called heirs when they receive an inheritance and legatees when they receive a  legacy. See also, heir and legatee.


Die persoon of  persone aan wie die testateur se boedel oorgedra  word. Begunstigdes word erfgename wanneer  hulle ‘n erfenis ontvang en legatarisse (erfgename  van die restant) wanneer hulle ‘n legaat ontvang.  Sien ook erfgenaam (Eng. – heir) en legataris (Eng.  – legatee).


To dispose of assets by means of a will.


Van bates ontslae raak deur middel van  ‘n testament.

Capacity to act

A person’s capacity to enter into legal acts. The required age is 18. This capacity must be distinguished from testamentary capacity. See also testamentary capacity.

Bevoegdheid om te handel

‘n Persoon se  bevoegdheid om wetlike ooreenkomste aan te  gaan. Die vereiste ouderdom is 18. Hierdie  bevoegdheid moet onderskei word van testamentêre bevoegdheid. Sien ook testamentêre bevoegdheid.

Collation or collatio bonorum

Under certain circumstances, a descendant who receives property (including money) from a testator’s lifetime has to collate (bring in ) such property (or its value) before he or she may inherit from the estate of the testator to ensure a fair distribution of the deceased estate amongst all the descendants. 

Kollasie(inbring) of collation bonorum

Onder  sekere omstandighede moet ‘n afstammeling wat  eiendom ontvang (ingeslote geld) van ‘n testateur  tydens die leeftyd van die testateur sodanige  eiendom (of die waarde daarvan) kolleer (inbring)  alvorens hy of sy van die boedel mag erf ten einde  ‘n regverdige distribusie onder die erfgename van  die bestorwe boedel te verseker.


People who die simultaneously in a disaster.


Persone wat gelyktydig in ‘n  ramp omkom.

Competent witness

With regard to a will, any person over the age of 14 years who is competent to give evidence in a court of law.

Bevoegde getuie

Met betrekking tot ‘n  testament, enige persoon bo die ouderdom van  veertien jaar (14) wat bevoeg is om in ‘n  geregshof getuienis af te lê.

Compos mentis

 Of sound mind.

Compos mentis

By sy volle positiewe.

Conditional beques

A bequest that depends on a future event which is uncertain, in the sense that it may or may not occur.

Voorwaardelike bemaking

‘n bemaking wat  afhanklik is van ‘n onsekere toekomstige  gebeurtenis, in dié sin dat dit sal of nie sal gebeur  nie.

Coniunctissimae personae

The persons closest to the deceased namely the surviving spouse,  parents and children.

Coniunctissimae personae

Persone naaste aan  die oorledene, naamlik die langslewende gade,  ouers en kinders.

Contractual succession or pactum successorium

a contract in which the parties attempt to  regulate the devolution of the entire or part of  the assets of one or both parties.

Kontraktuele opvolging of suksessie

‘n kontrak  waarin albei partye poog om die devolusie  (afwenteling) van ‘n gedeelte of die geheel van  die bates van een of albei partye te reguleer.


 a person who has been legally appointed to take care of the interests of someone who is unable to manage his or her affairs, for example, someone who is a minor or mentally ill. A curator ad litem is a person appointed to assist someone to litigate in court,  and a curator bonis is a person appointed to administer property or an estate. 


‘n persoon wat wettiglik aangestel is om  na die belange om te sien van iemand wat nie in  staat is om sy of haar sake te bestuur nie,  byvoorbeeld iemand wat minderjarig is of wat  verstandelik gestrem is. ‘n Kurator ad litem is ‘n  persoon wat aangestel is om eiendom of ‘n  boedel te administreer.

Customary house

In customary law, the word  ‘house’ refers to the family, property, rights and status connected to the customary marriage of a  man and woman. Since polygyny is still practised amongst certain traditional communities, one family head may have more than one wife and thus more than one house because each wife constitutes a house with certain property, rights and status.


In gewoontereg verwys die  woord “huis” na die familie, eiendom, regte en  status wat gekoppel word aan die  gewoontehuwelik van ‘n man en ‘n vrou.  Aangesien poligamie steeds in gebruik is onder  sekere tradisionele gemeenskappe kan een  gesinshoof meer as een vrou hê en dus meer as  een huis omdat elke vrou ‘n huis konstitueer met  sekere eiendom, regte en status.

Customary law property

 there are three categories of customary law property, namely family property, house property and personal property. Family property is property that has neither been allotted nor has accrued to a specific house. Family property is controlled by the head of the family, although the property is owned by all the family members together. It includes property that the family head inherited from his mother’s house, property he acquired by his owned labour and land allotted by the traditional authority to the family group, but not to a  particular house. House property is property that accrues to a specific house in terms of customary law or is allocated by the family head to a  particular house and must be used for the benefit of that house. It includes the earnings of the members of the house, livestock allocated to the house and its increase, property given to a wife at the time of her marriage, lobolo received for daughters of the house on their marriage,  compensation for delicts against members of the house, agricultural products produced by the wife of the house, and other products produced by other members of the house. Personal property belongs to the person who acquired it and includes items of a personal nature such as a  walking stick, a snuff box, clothing and jewellery.


Daar is drie kategorieё  gewoonteregeiendom, naamlik familie-eiendom,  huiseiendom en persoonlike eiendom. Familie eiendom is eiendom wat nóg geallokeer  (toegeken) is nóg toeval aan ‘n spesifieke huis.  Familie-eiendom word beheer deur die gesinshoof al word die eiendom deur al die  familielede gesamentlik besit. Dit sluit in eiendom  wat die gesinshoof geёrf het van sy moeder se  huis, eiendom wat deur sy eie toedoen verwerf is  en grond wat deur die tradisionele gesag aan die  familiegroep toegeken is, maar wat nie gekoppel  is aan ‘n spesifieke huis nie. Huiseiendom is  eiendom wat ‘n spesifieke huis toeval in terme  van gewoontereg of wat toegewys word deur die  gesinshoof aan ‘n spesifieke huis en tot voordeel  van daardie huis gebruik moet word. Dit sluit in  verdienstes van huislede, lewende hawe toegeken  aan die huis en die vermindering daarvan,  eiendom wat aan die vrou gegee is ten tyde van  haar huwelik, lobola ontvang vir dogters van die  huis wanneer hulle trou, kompensasie vir  onregmatige dade (delikte) teen huislede,  landbouprodukte geproduseer deur die vrou van  die huis en ander produkte wat huislede  produseer. Persoonlike eiendom behoort aan die  persoon wat dit bekom het en sluit in items van ‘n  persoonlike aard soos ‘n wandelstok, ‘n snuifdoos,  klere en juweliersware.

Customary marriage

A marriage concluded of in terms of customary law.


 ‘n huwelik voltrek in terme  van gewoontereg.

Deceased estates

consists of the assets and liabilities of a deceased person at the time of his or her death. The estate therefore consists not only of property, but also of any debts that the deceased incurred before his death. The residue of the estate refers to that part of the deceased ‘s estate which remains after the payment of funeral expenses, administration costs, tax (if any), the testator’s debts, and the legacies.

Bestorwe boedel

Bestaan uit die bates en laste van ‘n gestorwe persoon ten tyde van sy/haar  dood. Die boedel bestaan derhalwe uit nie  alleenlik eiendom nie, maar ook enige skuld wat  die oorledene voor sy/haar dood aangegaan het.  Die residu van die boedel verwys na daardie deel  van die boedel wat oorbly na die aftrek van  begrafniskoste, administrasiekostes, belasting  (indien enige) en die testateur se skulde en die  legate.


Common law descendants include the lineal descendants (persons in the downwards line) of the deceased. The customary law concept of descendants generally includes a wider circle of descendants. According to s 1 of the Reform of  Customary Law of Succession Act, the following  categories of persons qualify as descendants: 

  1. a person who is descendant in terms of  the Intestate Succession Act (thus common law descendants)
  1. a person who, during the lifetime of the  deceased person, was accepted by the deceased person in accordance with customary law as his or her own child
  1. a woman who was involved in a substitute marriage or a woman-to-woman marriage.

Gemeneregafstammelinge sluit  in liniêre afstammelinge (bloedverwantskap in  dalende linie) van die oorledene. Die gewoonteregkonsep van afstammelinge sluit in  die algemeen ‘n wyer kring afstammelinge in.  Aldus s 1 van die Hervorming van Gewoontereg  van die Opvolgingswet, kwalifiseer die volgende  persoonskategorieё as afstammelinge: 

  1. ‘n persoon wat ‘n afstammeling is in  terme van die Intestate Opvolgingsreg (dus gewoonteregafstammelinge).
  1. ‘n persoon wat gedurende die leeftyd van  die oorledene, deur die oorledene in terme van gewoontereg, as sy/haar kind  aanvaar is deur die oorledene in terme van die gewoontereg as sy/haar eie kind.
  1. ‘n vrou wat betrokke was by ‘n substituuttroue of ‘n vrou met vrou huwelik.
Dies cedit

The day will come. The time when beneficiary obtains a vested right to claim delivery of bequeathed property unconditionally (whether or not the exercise of this right is delayed until some future date which is certain to arrive).

Dies cedit

 Die dag sal kom. Die tydstip wanneer  ‘n begunstigde ‘n gevestigde reg bekom om  lewering van ‘n bemaakte eiendom  onvoorwaardelik op te eis (hetsy die uitoefening van die reg vertraag word al dan nie, tot ‘n  toekomstige datum wat verseker sal kom).

Dies venit

The day has come. The time at which a beneficiary’s right to claim delivery of bequeathed property becomes enforceable or the day when delivery of the property has to take place.

Dies venit

Die dag het aangebreek. Die tydstip  wanneer ‘n begunstigde se reg om lewering te eis  van bemaakte eiendom van krag word of die dag  wanneer lewering van die eiendom moet  plaasvind.

Direct substitution

Occurs when a testator names a substitute or a series of substitutes who are to inherit if the heir or legatee named to benefit in a will does not inherit. Direct substitution is substitution in the alternative.

Direkte substitusie/vervanging

Vind plaas  wanneer ‘n testateur ‘n plaasvervanger of ‘n reeks  plaasvervangers benoem wat gaan erf as die  erfgenaam of legator wat in ‘n testament as  bevoordeelde benoem is nie erf nie. Direkte  vervanging is vervanging in die alternatief.

Estate massing

when two or more testators  (usually two spouses) mass the whole or parts of their estates into one consolidated economic unit for the purpose of testamentary disposal and the disposal becomes effective upon the death of the first-dying spouse.


 Wanneer een of meer  testateurs (gewoonlik twee gades) die hele of  gedeeltes van hul boedels in een ekonomiese  eenheid saamsmelt met die voorneme op  testamentêre beskikking en die beskikking van  krag word met die afsterwe van die  eerssterwende gade

Execution of a will

the process whereby the  testator and other parties comply with all the  formalities required to bring a valid will into  existence.

Verlyding van ‘n testament

Die proses waardeur  die testateur en ander partye aan al die  formaliteite voldoen om ‘n geldige testament tot  stand te bring.


The person who is charged with the administration of a deceased estate; the person who winds up the estate. An executor in a  deceased estate is distinguished from a curator of  an insolvent estate and from a trustee or  administrator of a trust.


Die persoon in beheer van die  administrasie van ‘n bestorwe boedel; die  persoon wat die boedel afhandel. ‘n Eksekuteur in  ‘n bestorwe boedel word onderskei van ‘n kurator  van ‘n insolvente boedel en van ‘n trustee of  administrateur van ‘n trust.

Extrinsic evidence

Evidence outside the will itself; evidence of facts that do not appear from the will itself.

Ekstrinsieke getuienis

Getuienis buite die boedel  self; bewysvoering wat nie self in die testament  voorkom nie.

Fideicommissary substitution or fideicommissum

Occurs where a testator directs that a series of beneficiaries are to own his or her whole estate or part of it, or specific assets one after the other.  The first heir is known as the fiduciary and the succeeding beneficiary as the fideicommissary.

Fideikommissêre substitusie of fideikommis

Vind plaas waar ‘n testateur aandui dat ‘n reeks  begunstigdes besit moet neem van sy/ haar totale  boedel of gedeelte daarvan, of van spesifieke  bates een na die ander. Die eerste erfgenaam is  bekend as die fidusiêre erfgenaam en die  daaropvolgende erfgenaam as die fideikommissêre erfgenaam.

Fideicommissum residui

Where property is left to a fiduciary subject to the condition that as much of it as may be left at the time of his or her death is to devolve upon another person (the fideicommissary).

Fideikommis van die oorskot

Waar eiendom  gelaat word vir ‘n fidusiêre erfgenaam onderworpe aan die voorwaarde dat soveel as  wat oorbly ten tyde van sy/haar afsterwe moet  afwentel na ‘n ander persoon (die fideikommissêre erfgenaam).


The formal legal requirements with which a will must comply to be valid.


Die formele wetlike vereistes  waaraan ‘n testament moet voldoen om geldig te  wees.

Freedom of testation

The freedom of a person to dispose of his or her estate as he or she pleases.

Vryheid van bemaking

Die vryheid van ‘n  persoon om sy/haar boedel te bemaak soos dit  hom/haar behaag.


A beneficiary who inherits a testator’s entire estate, a portion thereof, or the residue thereof. An heir is distinguished from a legatee,  who is a beneficiary who inherits a specific asset.  See also, legatee.


‘n begunstigde wat ‘n testateur se  hele boedel erf, of ‘n gedeelte daarvan, of die  oorskot daarvan. ‘n Erfgenaam word onderskei  van ‘n legataris wat ‘n begunstigde is wat ‘n  spesifieke bate erf. Sien ook legataris.

Inter vivos

Between the living.

Inter vivos

Tussen lewendes.

Intestate law of succession or succession ab  intestate

The legal rules or legal norms that determine how succession should take place in cases where a testator fails to regulate succession on death by way of a valid will or a pactum successorium contained in an antenuptial contract.

Intestate erfopvolging

Die regsreёls of  regsnorme wat bepaal hoedanig opvolging moet plaasvind in gevalle waar ‘n testateur nalaat om  opvolging met dood te reguleer deur middel van  ‘n geldige testament of ‘n pactum successorium vervat in ‘n voorhuwelikse kontrak.

Joint will

Where two or more testators have set  out their respective wills in the same document.  Such a will differs from a mutual will in that the parties do not necessarily appoint each other as beneficiaries.

Gesamentlike testament

Waar twee of meer  testateurs hulle respektiewelike testament in een  dokument uiteensit. So ‘n testament verskil van ‘n  wederkerige testament daarin dat die partye nie  noodwendig mekaar as begunstigdes aanstel nie.

Juristic act

An act that is intended to create or alter rights and obligations; an act to which the law attaches at least some of the consequences envisaged by the acting party or parties. Such an act may be multilateral, in other words, an act performed through the cooperation of two or more persons, for example, to conclude a  contract, or unilateral, in other words, an act performed by one person, for example, the making of a will.


‘n handeling wat ten doel het om  regte en verpligtinge te skep of te verander, ‘n  handeling waaraan die reg ten minste sommige  van die voorsiene gevolge koppel aan die  handelende party of partye. Sodanige handeling  kan multilateraal wees, met ander woorde, ‘n  handeling uitgevoer deur die samewerking van  twee of meer persone, byvoorbeeld die  voltrekking van ‘n kontrak, of unilateraal, met  ander woorde, ‘n handeling uitgevoer deur ‘n  enkeling, byvoorbeeld die opstel van ‘n testament.

Law of succession

Comprises legal rules that control the transfer of those assets of a deceased that are eligible for distribution to beneficiaries,  or those assets of another person over which the deceased has the power of disposal.


Behels regsreёls wat die oordra  kontroleer van daardie bates van die oorledene  wat geskik is vir distribusie aan begunstigdes, of  daardie bates van ‘n ander persoon oor wie die  oorledene mag van beskikking het.


A person who inherits a specific asset or a specific amount of money from a testator. The inheritance is known as a legacy (plural: legacies).


‘n persoon wat ‘n spesifieke bate erf of  ‘n spesifieke hoeveelheid geld van ‘n testateur  (erflater). So ‘n erflating staan bekend as ‘n legaat  (meervoud: legate).

Living customary law

The actual version of customary law as applied by the people living under a system of customary law which may differ from the official version. See also official customary law.


Die werklike weergawe  van gewoontereg soos toegepas deur die persone  wat onder ‘n stelsel van gewoontereg lewe wat  mag verskil van die amptelike weergawe. Sien ook  amptelike gewoontereg (Eng. Official customary  law).


The property in cash or kind that a  prospective husband or the head of his family undertakes to give to the head of the prospective wife’s family in consideration of a customary marriage.


Eiendom in kontant of goedere wat ‘n  aanstaande gade of hoof van sy familie onderneem om te gee aan die hoof van die  aanstaande bruid se familie in oorweging van ‘n  gewoontehuwelik.

Male primogeniture

Under customary law, the heirs of the deceased are usually male and are identified by their relationship to the deceased through the male line. The firstborn son in a  monogamous household is normally the deceased’s heir; in a polygynous household, it is normally the firstborn son of the main house. In the absence of a firstborn son or his descendant,  succession passes to the second son or his descendants and keeps on passing to the male descendants until one is found. If the deceased had no male descendants, his father will be the heir. If the father is already deceased, the deceased’s eldest brother will be next in line.  Failing him, his male descendants in order of seniority will succeed, and so the order continues to the other brothers, then the grandfather, paternal uncles, or their descendants in order of seniority and keeps passing on until a male heir in the specific line is found.

Manlike eersgeboortereg

Onder gewoontereg is  die erfgename van die oorledene gewoonlik  manlik en word geken aan hul verwantskap met  die oorledene se manlike linie. Die eersgeborene  in ‘n monogame huishouding is normaalweg die  oorledene se erfgenaam; in ‘n poligame  huishouding is dit normaalweg die eersgebore  seun van die hoofhuishouding. In die afwesigheid  van ‘n eersgebore seun of sy afstammelinge gaan  opvolging oor na die tweede seun of sy afstammelinge, en gaan so voort deur die manlike  afstammelinge totdat een gevind word. As die  oorledene geen manlike afstammelinge gehad het  nie, word sy vader die erfgenaam. As die vader  reeds oorlede is, sal die oorledene se oudste  broer volgende in lyn wees. By gebrek aan hom  gaan die opvolging oor na die manlike afstammelinge in volgorde van senioriteit, en so  hou die volgorde aan tot by die ander broers, dan  die oupa, vaderlike (paternale) ooms, of hul afstammelinge in volgorde van senioriteit en hou  so aan totdat ‘n manlike erfgenaam in die  spesifieke linie gevind word.

Modus or obligation

A qualification added to a  gift or testamentary disposition, whereby the beneficiary is required to devote the property received (or the value thereof) in whole or in part to a specific purpose.

lasbepaling of verpligting

‘n kwalifikasie wat  gekoppel word aan ‘n geskenk of testamentêre  beskikking waar daar van die begunstigde vereis  word om die ontvangde eiendom (of die waarde  daarvan) in geheel of gedeeltelik te bestee aan ‘n  spesifieke doel.

Mortis causa

In contemplation of death.

Mortis causa

Met die oog op die dood.

Mutual will

Where two or more testators draw up a joint will and confer benefits on each other in the same will.

Wederkerige testament

Waar twee of meer  testateurs ‘n gesamentlike testament opstel en  voordele aan mekaar in dieselfde testament  toebedeel.

Official customary law

The version of customary law as applied by the courts and entrenched in legislation.

Amptelike gewoontereg

Die weergawe van  gewoontereg soos deur die howe toegepas word  in ingeburgerde wetgewing.

Polygyny and polygynous

Polygyny is a form of polygamy where a man has more than one wife.

Poliginie en veelwywig

Poliginie is ‘n tipe  poligamie waar ‘n man meer as een vrou het.


Something that occurs or continues after someone’s death. For example, a  posthumous child means a child born after the death of the father of the child.


Iets wat gebeur of voortduur na ‘n  persoon se dood. Byvoorbeeld ‘n posthume kind  is ‘n kind wat gebore is na die dood van die vader  van die kind.

Power of appointment

The power to appoint certain beneficiaries as heirs or legatees given to someone else by the testator.


Die magtiging om sekere  begunstigdes aan te stel as erfgenaam of  legatarisse wat gegee word deur die testateur aan  iemand anders.


A spendthrift; someone who is characterised by excessive or imprudent spending.


‘n verspiller; iemand wat gekenmerk word deur onoordeelkundige en oordadige  spandabelrigheid.

Quid pro quo

Something for something; mutual consideration.

Quid pro quo

Iets vir iets; wedersydse  inagneming.

Quitrent land

The owner of land held under a  quitrent title does not have full ownership of the land but only the right to loan the property from the government for a certain period of time and against payment of a certain amount of money.


Die eienaar van grond onder erfpagtitel  het nie volle eienaarskap van die grond nie, maar  slegs die reg om die eiendom van die regering vir  ‘n sekere tydperk te leen teen ‘n sekere betaling.


Takes place when a court adds,  deletes or changes something in a will because testator made a mistake when making the will and the will does not reflect his or her intention correctly.


Vind plaas wanneer ‘n hof iets  byvoeg, skrap of verander in ‘n testament omdat  die testateur ‘n fout began het met die opstel van  die testament en die testament nie sy/haar  bedoeling korrek reflekteer nie.


The rejection of a benefit or refusal to inherit a benefit from the estate of a testator.


Die verwerping van ‘n bevoordeling  of weiering om ‘n bevoordeling van ‘n boedel van  ‘n testateur te erf.

Resolutive (terminative) condition

A bequest is subject to a resolutive condition when the bequest is made to terminate if a particular uncertain future event takes place.

Ontbindende (beёindigende) voorwaarde

‘n  bemaking is onderworpe aan ‘n ontbindende  voorwaarde wanneer die bemaking verstreke  gemaak word as ‘n bepaalde onsekere toekomstige gebeurtenis plaasvind.

Resolutive (terminative) time clause or  resolutive term

A bequest subject to a terminative (resolutive) time clause is one in which beneficiary’s rights are terminated when a certain time arrives.

Ontbindende tydbepalingsklousule of  ontbindende termynbepaling

‘n bemaking  onderworpe aan ‘n verstrykings- of ontbindende  tydsbepaling is sodanige een waarin die  begunstigde se regte tot ‘n einde kom wanneer ‘n  sekere tyd bereik word.

Si sine liberis decesserit clause

A clause that stipulates that if a beneficiary dies without children after the testator, the benefit must pass a third party.

Si sine liberis decesserit-klousule

‘n klousule wat  stipuleer dat sou ‘n begunstigde sonder kinders  sterf na die testateur, die voordeel oorgedra moet  word aan ‘n derde party.


Hope or expectation.


Hoop of verwagting.

Stipulatio alteri

A contract in favour of a third person.

Stipulatio alteri

‘n kontrak ten gunste van ‘n  derde persoon.

Stipulation or provision

General terms used for clauses in a will where testator has made his or her intentions known.

Stipulasie of voorsiening

Algemene terme wat  gebruik word vir klousules in ‘n testament waar  die testateur sy/haar bedoelinge bekend maak.

Stirps or stirpes

A line of descendants of common ancestry.

Stam of familietak

‘n afstammelingslinie van gemeenskaplike voorouers.


occurs when a testator appoints a  beneficiary to inherit a benefit and, at the same time, appoints another beneficiary to take the place of the first-mentioned beneficiary.  Substitution may take place either in the alternative (direct substitution) or one beneficiary after another (fideicommissary substitution). See also direct substitution and fideicommissary sustitution.

Plaasvervanging of substitusie

Vind plaas  wanneer ‘n testateur ‘n begunstigde aanstel om  ‘n voordeel te erf en terselfdertyd ‘n ander  begunstigde aanstel om die plek te neem van die  eersgenoemde begunstigde. Substitusie mag  plaasvind of in die alternatiewe (direkte  substitusie) of in opeenvolging van begunstigdes  (fideikommissêre substitusie). Sien ook in Engels:  direct substitution en fideicommissary substitution.

Succession to status

In the customary law of succession, the successor steps into the shoes of the deceased and gains control over the property and people that the deceased controlled. In other words, the successor succeeds to the status of the deceased as well as to both the assets and liabilities of the estate.

Opeenvolging na status

In gewoontereg  opeenvolging stap die opvolger in die spoor van  die oorledene en verkry beheer oor die eiendom  en mense wat die oorledene beheer het. Met  ander woorde, die opvolger volg op na die status  van die oorledene sowel as wat betref bates en  laste van die boedel.

Survivor or surviving spouse

The spouse who is still alive after the death of his or her spouse. In terms of the common law, the term ‘spouse’ normally refers to someone with whom the deceased had a valid civil marriage. However, in  modern South African law, the following  categories qualify as surviving spouses: 

  1. A spouse in a marriage in terms of South  African law, namely a marriage concluded under the Marriage Act, the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act or Civil Union  Act. 
  2. A spouse in a customary marriage that does not fall within the ambit of the Recognition of Customary Marriage Act.
  1. A spouse in a marriage concluded in accordance with a system of Muslim or Hindu law.

Special circumstances exist in the case of customary marriages, especially in the context of succession. Section 2 of the Reform of Customary  Law of Succession Act recognises two additional categories of spouses, namely a woman with whom the deceased entered into a union in accordance with customary law with the purpose of providing children for the spouse’s house  (substitute marriage) and any woman who was married to a deceased woman under customary law for the purpose of providing children for the house of the deceased (woman to woman marriages).

Langlewende of langslewende gade

Die gade  wat nog lewe na die afsterwe van sy/haar gade. In  terme van gemenereg verwys die term ‘gade’ normaalweg na ‘n persoon met wie die oorledene  ‘n geldige siviele huwelik gehad het. Desnieteenstaande, in moderne Suid-Afrikaanse  reg kwalifiseer die volgende kategorieё as  langslewende gades: 

  1. ‘n gade in ‘n huwelik in terme van die Suid Afrikaanse reg, naamlik ‘n huwelik voltrek onder  die Huwelikswet, die Erkenning van  Gewoontehuwelike Wet of die Burgerlike  Eenwordingswet.
  1. ‘n gade in ‘n gewoontehuwelik wat nie binne  die bestek val van die Erkenning van die  Gewoontehuwelik Wet nie. 
  2. ‘n gade in ‘n huwelik voltrek binne ‘n sisteem  van Moslem- of Hindoereg. 

Spesiale omstandighede bestaan in die geval van  gewoontehuwelike, veral in die konteks van  opeenvolging. Afdeling 2 van die Hervorming van  Gewoontereg van Opeenvolging-Wet gee  erkenning aan twee addisionele kategorieё gades,  naamlik ‘n vrou met wie die oorledene in ‘n  eenwording tree in ooreenstemming met  gewoontereg met die doel om kinders te verskaf  vir die gade se huis (plaasvervangende huwelike),  en enige vrou wat onder die gewoontereg  getroud was met ‘n gestorwe vrou vir die  verskaffing van kinders vir die huis van die  oorledene (vrou-met-vrou-huwelike).

Suspensive condition

If a bequest is made subject to a suspensive condition, the beneficiary does not obtain a vested, finally established right to the benefit unless and until a particular uncertain future event takes place.

Opskortende voorwaarde

As ‘n bemaking  gemaak word onderhewig aan ‘n opskortende  voorwaarde ontvang die begunstigde nie ‘n  beklede persoonlike belang, gevestigde reg op die  voordeel nie behalwe en totdat ‘n besondere  onsekere toekomstige gebeurtenis plaasvind.

Suspensive time clause or suspensive term

A bequest to a suspensive time clause is a bequest from which the beneficiary will receive the benefit only at a certain future time.

Opskortende tydsbetaling of opskortende  bepaling (termyn)

‘n bemaking onderworpe aan  ‘n opskortende tydsbepaling is ‘n bemaking  waarvan die begunstigde slegs die voordeel  ontvang met die aanbreek van ‘n sekere  toekomstige tyd.

Testamentary capacity

Capacity to make a will.  Every person aged 16 years or more may make a  will unless, at the time of making the will, he or she is mentally incapable of appreciating the nature and effect of the act. This capacity must be distinguished from capacity to act. See also capacity to act.

Testamentêre bevoegdheid

Bevoegdheid om ‘n testament te maak. Elke persoon, 16 jaar of ouer,  mag ‘n testament maak behalwe as hy/sy ten tyde  van die maak van die testament nie verstandelik bevoeg was om die aard en effek van die  handeling na waarde te oordeel nie. Sien ook Engels: capacity to act.

Testamnetary writing

A document that defines anyone of the three essential elements of a  bequest: (a) the property bequeathed ; (b) the extent of the interest bequeathed; or (c )the beneficiary.

Testamentêre geskrif /(skrif)

‘n dokument wat  enige een van die drie essensiёle elemente van ‘n  bemaking definieer: (a) die bemaakte eiendom;  (b) die omvang van die belang wat bemaak is; of  (c) die begunstigde.

Testate law of succession or successio ex  testamento

Comprises those legal rules or norms that regulate the devolution of a deceased person’s estate upon one or more persons according to the testator’s wishes as expressed in a will.

Testatereg van opvolgening

Behels daardie  regsreёls en –norme wat die afwenteling van ‘n gestorwene se boedel open en of meer persone  reguleer in ooreenstemming met die testateur se  wense soos vervat in ‘n testament.


A natural person who makes a will in which he or she bequeaths an estate in the form of bequeathable assets.


‘n natuurlike persoon wat ‘n testament  maak waarin hy/sy ‘n boedel bemaak in die vorm  van bemaakbare bates.


The arrangement through which the property of a person is by virtue of a trust instrument bequeathed: (a)to another person,  the trustee, in whole or in part, to be administered or disposed of according to the provisions of the trust instrument for the benefit of the person or class of persons designated in the trust instrument or for the achievement of the object stated in the trust instrument; or (b) to the beneficiaries designated in the trust instrument,  which property is placed under the control of another person, the trustee to be administered or disposed of according to the provisions of the trust instrument to the benefit of the person or class of persons designated in the trust instrument or for the achievement of the object stated in the trust instrument, but does not include the case where the property of another is to be administered by any person as executor,  tutor or curator in terms of the provisions of the Administration of Estate Act. In other words, in a trust, the testator entrusts the ownership and control of his or her property to a third party (the trustee) to manage the property in the interest of a beneficiary/ies.


Die reёling waardeur die eiendom van ‘n  persoon van ‘n trustinstrument bemaak word: (a)  aan ‘n ander persoon, die trustee, in geheel of  gedeeltes, om geadministreer te word of van die  hand gesit te word in ooreenstemming met die  trustinstrument tot voordeel van die persoon of  klas persone aangewys in die trustinstrument of  vir die bereiking van die doelstelling soos in die  trustinstrument vermeld; of (b) aan die begunstigdes vermeld in die trustinstrument, watter eiendom geplaas word onder die beheer  van ‘n ander persoon, die trustee, om geadministreer of van die hand gesit te word in  ooreenstemming met die voorsiening van die  trustinstrument tot bevoordeling van die persoon of klas persone aangewys in die trustinstrument of vir die bereiking van die doelstelling vermeld in die trustinstrument, maar nie die geval insluit nie waar die eiendom van ‘n ander geadministreer sal word deur enige persoon as eksekuteur, voog of kurator in terme van die voorsiening van die Administrasie van Boedels -Wet. Met ander  woorde, in ‘n trust word die eienaarskap en  beheer van/haar eiendom toevertrou aan ‘n derde party (die trustee) om die eiendom te  bestuur in die belang van ‘n begunstigde(s).

Trust instrument

A written agreement, a testamentary writing, or a court order in terms of which a trust is created.

Trust instrument

‘n geskrewe ooreenkoms, ‘n  testamentêre geskrif, of ‘n hofbevel in terme  waarvan ‘n trust geskep kan word.

Usufruct, usufructus or life interest

Occurs when ownership is bequeathed to one person but the right to use, enjoy and take the fruits of the property bequeathed to another. The latter is called the usufructuary and the owner is called the dominus, remainderman or nude owner.

Vruggebruik of lewensreg (lewenslange  vruggebruik)

Vind plaas wanneer eienaarskap  bemaak word aan een persoon maar ‘n ander het  die reg om dit te gebruik, te geniet en die vrugte  te pluk van die eiendom wat aan ‘n ander bemaak  is. Laasgenoemde word die vruggebruiker genoem  en die eienaar word die dominus, fideicommissarius of blote eienaar genoem.


To confer legal ownership of property or legal rights on someone.

Oorgee, beklee met

Om wettige eienaarskap van  eiendom of wettige regte aan iemand oor te gee  of iemand daarmee te beklee.

Will or testament

A unilateral, voluntary juristic act contained in a document which complies with formalities required by law, and in which the testator gives instructions pertaining to what must happen to his or her estate after his or her death.

Uiterste wil of testament

‘n eensydige,  vrywillige regshandeling vervat in ‘n dokument  wat voldoen aan die formaliteite wat deur die reg  vereis word, en waarin die testateur instruksies  gee wat betrekking het op wat moet plaasvind  met sy/haar boedel na sy/haar afsterwe.

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Afrikaans_English_legal terms for law of succession
This is a glossary list of important Afrikaans/English legal teams for law of succession in South Africa. Law of succession is defined as the distribution and transfer of a deceased person’s estate. It details the rights and duties of the beneficiaries who will succeed the deceased’s estate.
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