Afrikaans_English Legal terms for Family law-pretoria-johannesburg-capetown-durban-2023

Family law tends to play an essential role in domestic and familial matters. Family law in South Africa usually deals with matters involving child support or custody, marriage or divorce, child protective action or juvenile law, emancipation or paternity, adoption or fostering and drafting of legal property. If you need legal representation for any family matter? You can contact an attorney in Johanessburg who specialises in family law to represent you.

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Afrikaans/English legal terms for family law

Afrikaans_English Legal terms for Family law-pretoria-sandton-capetown-durban



Ab initio

From the beginning / the start.

Ab initio

Van die begin af / die begin


To annul, to cancel; to make a law void
by legislative repeal.


Om op te hef, te kanselleer; om ‘n wet
nietig te verklaar deur dit te herroep.


A parent may, following divorce
proceedings on the making of a
custodianship order, be given a right of
access by the court to see his/her


‘n Ouer mag, ná die egskeidingsproses
oor ‘n toesigbevel, deur die hof
toegangsreg gegee word om sy/haar
kind(ers) te besoek.


Growing or adding interest on a debt or
investment that continues to


Groei of byvoeging van rente op skuld of
belegging wat aanhou oploop.

Accrual system

To accumulate, to grow, to happen,
with regard to a cause of action or
specific legal claim; to come into
existence as an enforceable claim


Om op te loop, te groei, aan iemand toe
te val met betrekking tot ‘n skuldoorsaak
of ‘n bepaalde wettige eis; om as ‘n
afdwingbare eis te ontstaan.

Actio iniuriarum

Action resulting from derogation of

Actio iniuriarum

Geding vanweë skending van


An act by which the rights and duties
of the natural parents of a child are
extinguished, and equivalent rights and
duties become vested in the adopters,
to whom the child then stands in all
respects as if born to them in lawful


‘n Handeling waardeur die regte en
verpligtinge van die natuurlike ouers van
‘n kind nietig verklaar word, en
gelykstaande regte en verpligtinge
oorgaan na die aanneemouers, teenoor
wie die kind dan in alle opsigte is asof
hy/sy vir hulle binne ‘n wettige huwelik
gebore is.


Voluntary sexual intercourse between a
married person and another person,
who is not his/her married spouse.


Vrywillige seksuele omgang tussen ‘n
getroude persoon en ‘n ander persoon
wat nie sy/haar huweliksmaat is nie.


A statement in writing and on oath,
sworn before a person with authority
to administer it. The person who
makes the statement is called the

Beëdigde verklaring

‘n Skriftelike verklaring wat onder eed
afgeneem word deur ‘n persoon met die
nodige gesag om dit te doen.


To transfer title/ownership to
somebody else.


Om titel/eienaarskap aan iemand anders
oor te dra

Animus iniurandi

The intention of offending someone.

Animus iniurandi

Die opset om iemand te na te kom


To make void, to dissolve that which
once existed, e.g. to annul the bond of
matrimony. A marriage that is annulled
is void ab initio as opposed to a
marriage that is dissolved by a decree
of divorce.


Om iets nietig te maak/te ontbind wat
eens bestaan het, bv. om ‘n huwelik
nietig te verklaar. ‘n Huwelik wat nietig
verklaar word, is ongeldig ab initio
vergeleke met ‘n huwelik wat deur ‘n
egskeidingsbevel ontbind word.

Antenuptial contract

Contract before marriage.

Voorhuwelikse kontrak

‘n Kontrak wat voor die huwelik gesluit


The party who appeals a trial court
decision after having lost a case.


Die party wat teen ‘n beslissing van die
hof appelleer nadat hy/sy die saak verloor


Property that has monetary value,
including articles with only sentimental
value (particularly in the estates of the


Eiendom met monetêre waarde,
insluitend artikels met slegs sentimentele
waarde (veral in bestorwe boedels).


A disposition by will of personal
property; a legacy / a gift of personal
property contained in a will.


‘n Testamentêre beskikking van
persoonlike eiendom; ‘n legaat / geskenk
van persoonlike eiendom wat in ‘n
testament vervat is.


The offence of marrying a second time
by someone who has a husband/wife
still living without being divorced.


Wanneer ‘n persoon ‘n tweede keer trou
terwyl hy/sy reeds ‘n wettige, lewende
man/vrou het van wie hy/sy nie geskei is

Bona fide

Good faith, without fraud or deceit.

Bona fide

Goeie trou, sonder bedrog of misleiding.

Canon law

Law of the Christian Church.

Kanonieke reg

Reg van die Christelike kerk.

Capacity to act

Having legal authority or mental ability
to act.


‘n Persoon met die regs- of verstandelike
bevoegdheid om regshandelinge uit te


The common law right of a parent /
teacher / other person having the
lawful control to administer
punishment was preserved by the
Children and Young Persons Act of
1933, Section 1(7).


Die gemenereg-bevoegdheid van ‘n ouer /
onderwyser / ander persoon om straf toe
te dien, was verskans in artikel 1(7) van
die Wet op Kinders
en Jong Persone, 1933

Civil actions

Any lawsuits relating to civil matters
and not criminal prosecutions.

Siviele geding

Enige hofgeding oor siviele sake en nie
strafprosedures nie.

Community of property

A state in which spouses hold property
that is acquired during marriage (other
than property acquired by inheritance
or individual gifts).

Gemeenskap van goed

‘n Huweliksbedeling waarin albei gades
die eiendom besit wat tydens die huwelik
bekom is (buiten eiendom bekom deur
erfenis of individuele geskenke).

Compos mentis

Of sound mind; able to go to trial.

Compos mentis

By jou volle verstand; verhoorbevoeg.


A term / requirement stated in a
contract that must be met for the other
party to have the duty to fulfil his/her


‘n Voorwaarde / vereiste in ‘n kontrak
waaraan voldoen moet word alvorens die
ander party sy/haar verpligtinge hoef na
te kom.


Relationship by blood/descent from
common ancestor, whether male or


Verwantskap deur bloed / afstamming
van ‘n gemeenskaplike voorouer, hetsy
manlik of vroulik.


The companionship of a spouse. If a
spouse is injured / emotionally
distressed through the fault of another,
a possible claim could include the value
of the spouse’s services or
companionship that was lost due to the


‘n Gade se geselskap of kameraadskap.
Indien ‘n gade deur ‘n ander persoon se
fout beseer / ontstel word, kan ‘n
moontlike eis die waarde van die gade se
dienste of geselskap insluit wat weens die
ongeluk verloor is.

Contractual obligation

Does not refer to any duty that arises
from the contract itself, but to the legal
requirements that bind the contracting
parties to the performance of the

Kontraktuele verpligting

Verwys nie na enige verpligting wat uit
die kontrak self spruit nie, maar die
wetsvereistes wat die partye in die
kontrak tot die uitvoering van die
onderneming verbind.


A person entrusted with the charge of
an estate, or with the conduct of a
minor, who is past the age of pupilage,
or with the management of a lawsuit.


‘n Persoon aan wie die beheer van ‘n
boedel, die sorg vir ‘n minderjarige bo die
ouderdom van pupilskap, of die bestuur
van ‘n hofgeding toevertrou is.


A cash compensation ordered by a
court to offset losses / suffering caused
by another’s fault or negligence.


‘n Kontantvergoeding per hofbevel om vir
skade / lyding weens ‘n ander se fout of
nalatigheid te vergoed.


A written acknowledgement of a debt
with a promise to pay; financial
obligations of corporations are often
bought and sold as investments.


‘n Skriftelike skulderkentenis met die
belofte om te betaal; finansiële obligasies
van korporasies word dikwels as
beleggings gekoop en verkoop.


One who is being sued in a civil case by
another private individual, and who is
able to contest the action by offering a
legally recognised excuse.


Persoon wat in ‘n siviele saak deur ‘n
ander privaat individu gedagvaar word,
en wat in staat is om die geding teen te
staan deur ‘n wettig erkende verweer aan
te voer.


Violation of the law.


Oortreding van die wet.


Of or relating to a violation of law.


Met betrekking tot die oortreding van die


A legally recognised handing over of
one’s possessory rights to another.


‘n Regserkende oorhandiging van ‘n
eienaar se eiendomsreg aan iemand


A person who to some extent depends
on others for the provision of the
ordinary necessities of life.


n Persoon wat in ‘n sekere mate van
ander afhanklik is vir die voorsiening van
algemene lewensnoodsaaklikhede.


An abandonment of a wife/husband,
i.e. a matrimonial offence.


Agterlating van ‘n huweliksmaat, d.w.s. ‘n


The power of a judge / public official to
make decisions on various matters
based on his/her opinion within general
legal guidelines.


Die bevoegdheid van ‘n regter of
staatsamptenaar om, op grond van
sy/haar mening en binne algemene
regsriglyne, besluite oor verskeie sake te


Unequal treatment of persons, for a
reason that has nothing to do with
legal rights or ability.


Ongelyke behandeling van persone om ‘n
rede wat niks met wettige regte of
vermoë te doen het nie

Dissolution of marriage

Termination of the legal relationship
between persons formally joined by
marriage or partnership.

Ontbinding van ‘n huwelik

Beëindiging van die wettige verhouding
tussen persone wat formeel deur ‘n
huwelik of vennootskap verbind is.


Termination of a marriage otherwise
than by death or annulment. A petition
for divorce might be formerly
presented to the High Court by a
husband/wife on the grounds of
adultery, desertion, cruelty or insanity.


Beëindiging van ‘n huwelik buiten deur
dood of nietigverklaring. Een
huweliksmaat kan op grond van die ander
huweliksmaat se owerspel, verlating,
wreedheid of kranksinnigheid formeel ‘n
petisie vir egskeiding by die
hooggeregshof indien.


The person who donates property to
the benefit of another.


Die persoon wat eiendom/sake tot
voordeel van ‘n ander skenk.


Where a person is prevented from
acting (not acting) according to his/her
free will, by threats or force of another.


Waar ‘n persoon verhoed word om uit
sy/haar eie wil op te tree (nie op te tree
nie) weens ‘n ander se dreigemente of

Equality clause

The right to equal treatment (with the
same concern and respect) enshrined
in the Bill of Rights.


Die reg op gelyke behandeling (met
dieselfde besorgdheid en respek) wat in
die Handves van Menseregte verskans

Error in negotio

When a contract is invalidated because
the parties are not ad idem (of the
same mind) about the nature of the

Error in negotio

Wanneer ‘n kontrak ongeldig verklaar
word omdat die partye nie ad idem
(eensgesind) is oor die aard van die
kontrak nie.


When a property is bequeathed in
trust, usually entailing a successive
right to the property.


Wanneer ‘n eiendom in trust bemaak
word, gewoonlik met ‘n opeenvolgende


With the intention to defraud.


Met die opset om te bedrieg.


One who has the charge or custody of
any person or thing; more commonly
the person who has the custody and
education of a person who is not of
sufficient discretion to manage his/her
own affairs.


Iemand met beheer of toesig oor enige
persoon of ding; gewoonlik ‘n persoon
met toesig en opvoedingsreg oor iemand
wat nie voldoende diskresie het om
sy/haar eie sake te bestuur nie.

Habitual criminal/recidivist

A person convicted of crime on
numerous occasions, and who for that
reason is subject to an extended term
of imprisonment under the habitual
offender laws of many jurisdictions.


‘n Persoon wat by vele geleenthede
skuldig bevind is aan misdaad, en wat om
daardie rede onderworpe is aan ‘n
verlengde gevangenistermyn ingevolge
die gewoontemisdadigerreg van menige


The offence under various
enactments of secretly providing shelter.

Voorsiening van
herberg/skuiling‘n Oortreding ingevolge verskeie
verordeninge om in die geheim skuiling te
Household necessaries

Reasonable household expenses for
food and clothing and other things, in
respect of which a wife may bind
herself and her husband

Huishoudelike benodigdhede

Redelike huishoudelike uitgawes vir kos
en klere en ander dinge, waartoe ‘n vrou
haar en haar man kan verbind.


To charge a public official with a
wrongdoing whilst holding office.


Om ‘n staatsbeampte van ‘n oortreding in
diens aan te kla.


Physical inability of a man/woman to
perform the act of sexual intercourse.


Fisiese onvermoë van ‘n man/vrou om die
seksuele omgangshandeling uit te voer.


To lack the ability / legal, physical or
intellectual power, e.g. non compos
mentis (not of sound mind)


Die ontbreking van vermoë / regs-, fisiese
of intellektuele bevoegdheid, bv. non
compos mentis (nie by jou volle verstand


A criminal offence that involves sexual
intercourse between members of a
family, or those among whom marriage
would be illegal because of blood


‘n Misdryf van seksuele omgang tussen
lede van ‘n familie of persone wat weens
bloedverwantskap nie wettig kan trou nie.


An act that interferes with one of the
exclusive rights of a patent, copyright,
or trademark owner.


‘n Handeling wat die alleenreg van die
eienaar van ‘n patent, outeursreg of
handelsmerk belemmer.

Innocent misrepresentation

When a statement is not known to be
false, it is a ground for relief against a
contract if such statement furnished a
material inducement to a plaintiff to
enter into that contract.

Onopsetlike wanvoorstelling

Wanneer dit nie bekend is dat ‘n stelling
vals is nie, is dit gronde vir vrystelling van
‘n kontrak indien sodanige stelling ‘n
materiële dryfveer vir die eiser was om
daardie kontrak te sluit.


Not mentally responsible to some
degree, depending on the legal
transaction in relation to which it is
employed. It may refer to lack of
criminal responsibility, commitment to
a mental institution, inability to
transact business, inability to stand
trial (e.g. inability to assist in one’s
own defence).


Verstandelik onbevoeg in ‘n sekere mate,
afhangende van die regstransaksie waarin
dit toegepas word. Dit kan verwys na ‘n
gebrek aan strafregtelike
verantwoordelikheid, opname in ‘n
inrigting vir sielsiekes, onvermoë om sake
te doen, en onvermoë om tereg te staan
(bv. onvermoë om bystand te verleen in
jou eie verweer).


A financial condition in which one is
unable to meet his/her obligations as
they mature in the ordinary course of
business. Inability to pay debts.


‘n Finansiële toestand waarin ‘n persoon
nie sy/haar verpligtinge soos dit in die
normale loop van sake betaalbaar word,
kan nakom nie. Onvermoë om skuld te


A conscious intention on the part of the


‘n Bewustelike voorneme van die

Inter vivos

To describe a gift or agreement
between living persons, as opposed to
a bequest in a will.

Inter vivos

‘n Skenking of ooreenkoms tussen
lewende persone, in teenstelling met ‘n
bemaking in ‘n testament.


A court order in which a person is
ordered to refrain from performing a
particular act. It is issued in
circumstances in which a party requires
protection against unlawful actual
interference or threatened interference
with his/her rights. Its nature may be
prohibitory, mandatory or restitutory


‘n Hofbevel waardeur iemand gelas word
om hom/haar van ‘n bepaalde handeling
te weerhou. Dit word uitgereik in
omstandighede waar ‘n party beskerming
vereis teen onregmatige werklike
belemmering of dreigende belemmering
van sy/haar regte. Die interdik kan
verbiedend, gebiedend of ‘n interdik tot
herstel wees.


To die without leaving a valid will or
fully disposing of property by will.
Administration of the estates of such
persons is governed by the provisions
of the Intestate Succession Act, 81 of
1987, as amended by the Law of
Succession Act, 43 of 1992.


Om te sterf sonder om ‘n geldige
testament na te laat of alle eiendom in ’n
testament te bemaak. Die boedel van die
oorledene sal dan bestuur word ingevolge
die bepalings van die Wet op Intestate
Erfopvolging, 81 van 1987, soos gewysig
deur die Wet op Erfopvolging, 43 van


Official power to make legal decisions
and judgements.


Amptelike bevoegdheid om wettige
besluite te neem en oordele te vel.

Law of Persons

The legal conception by which the law
regards a human being or an artificial
entity as a person.


Die regsbeginsel waarvolgens die wet ‘n
mens of kunsmatige entiteit as ‘n persoon


A bequest or gift of goods and chattels
by will. A disposition by will of personal


‘n Erflating of geskenk van goedere en
besittings deur ‘n testament. ‘n
Wegmaking van persoonlike eiendom
deur ‘n testament


A person to whom personal property is
given by will, one who receives legacy.


Die persoon aan wie persoonlike eiendom
deur ‘n testament gegee word, wat die
legaat ontvang.

Legitimate child

A child born in a valid wedlock of
natural parents.

Binne-egtelike kind

‘n Kind wat binne ‘n geldige huwelik van
sy/haar natuurlike ouers gebore is.


One who is appointed to carry out the
winding up of a company. His/her duty
is to realise the property of the
company, to pay its debts, and to
distribute the surplus (if any) among
the members


‘n Persoon wat aangestel is om ‘n
maatskappy te likwideer. Sy/haar plig is
om die eiendom van die maatskappy te
likwideer, skuld te betaal en die oorskot
(indien enige) tussen die lede te versprei.

Lucidum intervallum

Temporary sanity (of a disturbed mind).

Lucidum intervallum

Tydelike helderheid van gees (van ‘n
geestesongestelde persoon).


Providing children, or other persons in
a position of dependence, with food,
clothing and other necessaries.


Verskaffing van kos, klere en ander
noodsaaklikhede aan kinders of ander
persone in ‘n afhanklikheidsposisie.

Mala fide

In bad faith, fraudulent.

Mala fide

Te kwader trou, bedrieglik

Malicious desertion

When one spouse abandons the other
without a good cause and with the
intention of not returning.

Kwaadwillige verlating

Wanneer een huweliksmaat die ander
sonder ‘n grondige rede of die voorneme
om terug te keer, verlaat.

Marital power

Authority or power of a husband over
his wife in terms of common law.

Maritale mag

Gesag of mag van ‘n man oor sy vrou
ingevolge die gemenereg.


When a debtor is threatened and
induced by fear of arrest to sign an
acknowledgement of debt of an
amount due; similar to “duress”. The
creditor does not act according to good


Wanneer ‘n debiteur met arrestasie
gedreig en gedwing word om ‘n
skulderkentenis van ‘n verskuldigde
bedrag te teken; soortgelyk aan
“dwangdruk”. Die krediteur handel dus
nie ingevolge sedelike beginsels nie.


A person who has not attained full age,
and in the case of common law cannot
contract without the assistance of
his/her guardian


‘n Persoon wat nog nie mondig is nie en
wat, ingevolge die gemenereg, nie ‘n
kontrak kan sluit sonder die bystand en
toestemming van sy/haar voog nie.

Mortis causa donatio

A gift made in anticipation of death.

Mortis causa donatio

‘n Geskenk wat in afwagting van die dood
gemaak word.

Mutatis mutandis

Similar manner, with the necessary

Mutatis mutandis

Soortgelyk, met die nodige veranderinge.


Failure to exercise the degree of care
that a person of ordinary prudence (a
reasonable man) would exercise under
the same circumstances, e.g. conduct
that falls below the standard
established by law for the protection of
others against unreasonable risk of


Versuim om die nodige mate van sorg uit
te oefen wat ‘n persoon van gewone
omsigtigheid (redelike persoon) onder
dieselfde omstandighede sou uitoefen,
bv. optrede wat nie op die standaard is
wat deur die reg vir die beskerming van
ander teen onredelike risiko van skade
gestel word nie.

Notarial contract

A contract that is attested and certified
to be authentic.

Notariële kontrak

‘n Kontrak wat onder eed bevestig en as
eg verklaar word.


An act or omission punishable under
criminal law.


‘n Handeling of versuim wat ingevolge die
strafreg strafbaar is.


A display of willingness to enter into a
contract on specified terms, made in a
way that would lead a reasonable
person to understand that an
acceptance will result in a binding


Die toon van gewilligheid om ‘n kontrak
op bepaalde voorwaardes te sluit wat
daartoe sal lei dat ‘n redelike persoon sal
verstaan dat aanvaarding ‘n bindende
kontrak tot gevolg sal hê


The release of a prisoner from
imprisonment before his/her sentence
has been served. Usually granted for
good behaviour on condition that the
parolee regularly reports to a
supervising officer for a specified


Die vrylating van ‘n gevangene uit
gevangenskap voordat die vonnis ten
volle uitgedien is. Dit word gewoonlik vir
goeie gedrag toegestaan, op die
voorwaarde dat die paroolganger vir ‘n
vasgestelde tydperk gereeld by ‘n
toesighoudende beampte aanmeld.


The relation between persons carrying
on a business in common, with a view
to profit.


Die verhouding tussen persone wat saam
‘n sake-onderneming met die oog op wins

Patrimonial law

Law dealing with all of a person’s
assets and liabilities that are capable of
monetary valuation and subject to
execution for a creditor’s benefit.


Reg met betrekking tot al ‘n persoon se
bates en laste wat moontlik ‘n
geldwaarde het en onderhewig is aan
uitwinning tot voordeel van ‘n krediteur


Fulfilment of one’s obligations required
by contract, e.g. what may be
demanded in a lawsuit


Die nakoming van kontraktuele
verpligtinge, bv. wat in ‘n hofgeding
versoek word.


A person who brings a case against
another party in a court of law.


Die persoon wat ‘n hofsaak teen ‘n ander
aanhangig maak


When a woman has more than one
husband simultaneously.


Wanneer ‘n vrou gelyktydig meer as een
man het.


Practice/custom of having more than
one wife/husband simultaneously


Die gebruik om gelyktydig met meer as
een mens getroud te wees.

Positive law

Existing law created by legally valid
procedures, “…law set by political
superiors to political inferiors”.

Positiewe reg

Bestaande reg wat deur wettige geldige
prosedures geskep is, “…reg wat deur
politieke meerderes vir politieke
ondergeskiktes vasgestel word”.


A rule of law that permits a court to
assume that a fact is true until there is
preponderance of evidence.


‘n Regsreël wat ‘n hof toelaat om aan te
neem dat iets waar is totdat daar ‘n
oorwig getuienis is.


A person who cannot be trusted to look
after his/her own property.


‘n Persoon wat nie vertrou kan word om
na sy/haar eie eiendom om te sien nie.

Prohibited degrees of affinity

Forbidden degrees of consanguinity

Verbode grade van verwantskap

Verbode grade van bloedverwantskap.


The age of 14 in males and 12 in
females, at which they are deemed
formally capable of contracting


Die ouderdom van 14 by seuns en 12 by
dogters, wanneer hulle formeel as geskik
vir huweliksluiting beskou word.

Putative marriage

A marriage that is actually null, but has
been contracted in good faith by both
parties, or by one of the parties

Putatiewe huwelik

‘n Huwelik wat in werklikheid ongeldig is,
maar te goeder trou tussen twee partye
of deur een van die partye aangegaan is.

Real rights

Rights pertaining to a thing rather than
a person, including ownership,
habitation, pledge, real mortgage.

Saaklike regte

Regte wat verband hou met ‘n ding
eerder as ‘n persoon, insluitend
eienaarskap, bewoning, pandgewing en
saaklike verband.

Real/actual damages

Those losses that can readily be proven
to have been sustained, and for which
the injured party should be
compensated as a matter of right.

Werklike skade

Die verliese wat met redelike sekerheid
bewys kan word en waarvoor die
benadeelde party na regte vergoed moet

Rebuttable presumption

An ordinary presumption that must, as
a matter of law, be made once certain
facts have been proved, and which is
thus said to establish a certain
conclusion prima facie once those facts
have been adduced, unless explicitly
proved untrue.

Weerlegbare vermoede

‘n Gewone vermoede wat regtens kan
ontstaan sodra sekere feite bewys word,
en wat ‘n sekere gevolgtrekking prima
facie sou bevestig sodra daardie feite
voorgelê word, tensy die vermoede
uitdruklik as onwaar bewys word.


The legal right to demand
compensation or payment.


Die wettige reg om op vergoeding of
betaling aan te dring.


The act or process of distributing
something again or anew (e.g.
redistribution of wealth).


Die handeling of proses ingevolge
waarvan iets weer of van nuuts af verdeel
word (bv. die herverdeling van rykdom).


Denial of the existence of a contract
and/or refusal to pay.


Ontkenning dat ‘n kontrak bestaan en/of
weiering om te betaal.


The cancellation of a contract and the
return of the parties to the positions
they would have occupied had the
contract not been entered into.


Kansellasie van ‘n kontrak en die
terugkeer van die partye na die posisies
wat hulle sou beklee indien die kontrak
nooit aangegaan is nie


Receiving payment or performance of
what is due.


Ontvangs van betaling of uitvoering van
wat verskuldig is.


Use of charm, promises or gifts to
induce another person to have sexual
intercourse outside marriage, without
any use of force/intimidation.


Gebruik van sjarme, beloftes of geskenke
om ‘n ander persoon te oorreed om
seksuele omgang buite die huwelik te hê
sonder die gebruik van dwang of


The act of seizing/taking possession
of the property (or goods) belonging to
another, and holding it until the profits
have paid the demand for which it was


Beslaglegging op / inbesitneming
van ‘n ander se eiendom (of goedere), en
die terughouding daarvan totdat die wins
die behoefte waarvoor dit geneem
is, vervul het.

Set off

A claim by a defendant in a lawsuit that
the plaintiff owes the defendant
money, which could be subtracted from
the amount of damages claimed by a


‘n Verweerder se bewering in ‘n
hofgeding dat die eiser die verweerder
geld skuld wat afgetrek kan word van die
skadevergoeding waarop die eiser


Compensation, especially damages,
allowed for hurt feelings or grief, as
opposed to damages for physical injury


Vergoeding, spesifiek skadevergoeding,
vir gekrenkte gevoelens of hartseer, in
teenstelling met skadevergoeding vir
liggaamlike beserings.


To waste in a reckless or foolish


Om op ‘n roekelose of dwase manier te

Stante matrimonio

During the subsistence of the marriage
/ while it continues

Stante matrimonio

Tydens die bestaan van die
huwelik / terwyl dit voortduur.

Statute law

State-written law enacted by state


Staatsgeskrewe reg wat deur
staatswetgewing verorden word.


Immorality/unchastity on the part of
the wife. Where a woman prior to her
marriage has had illicit intercourse with
another man, and as a result has fallen
pregnant, her husband (if he married
her in ignorance of this, and after
discovery cannot condone it) has the
right to declare the marriage null and


Immoraliteit/onkuisheid deur die vrou.
Waar ‘n vrou vóór haar huwelik
ongeoorloofde omgang met ‘n ander man
gehad het en as gevolg daarvan swanger
geraak het, is haar man (indien hy sonder
hierdie wete met haar getroud is en dit
ná ontdekking daarvan nie goedkeur nie)
daarop geregtig om die huwelik as
ongeldig te verklaar.

Sui generic

The only one of its kind / peculiar.

Sui generic

Eiesoortig, enig in sy soort of

Tacit agreement

Understood without being stated;
acceptance without discussion.

Stilswyende ooreenkoms

Word begryp sonder dat dit uitdruklik
uitgespreek is; aanvaarding sonder


The one who makes a will.


Die persoon wat ‘n testament opstel.


A right of property, real or personal,
held by one party for the benefit of
another. Also applies to any
relationship in which one acts as a
guardian or fiduciary in relation to
another’s property


‘n Eiendomsreg, saaklik of persoonlik,
wat deur een party tot voordeel van ‘n
ander gehou word. Is ook van toepassing
op enige verhouding waarin ‘n persoon as
‘n voog of fiduciarius met betrekking tot
‘n ander se eiendom optree.

Undue influence

Amount of pressure that one uses to
force someone to execute a will leaving
assets in a particular way, to make a
direct gift while alive / to sign a

Onbehoorlike beïnvloeding

Hoeveelheid druk wat iemand gebruik om
‘n ander te dwing om ‘n testament te
verly om bates op ‘n bepaalde manier te
bemaak, om ‘n direkte skenking te maak
terwyl hy/sy leef of om ‘n kontrak te

Unjustified enrichment

A benefit by chance, mistake or
another misfortune for which the one
enriched has not paid/worked and
morally and ethically should not keep

Onregverdige verryking

‘n Voordeel per toeval, dwaling of ander
ongeluk waarvoor die persoon wat verryk
is nie betaal/gewerk het nie en wat hy/sy
volgens sedelike en etiese beginsels nie
mag hou nie.


When there is a legally valid reason
why a marriage or an engagement
cannot be regarded as being lawful,
and the normal consequence does not


Wanneer daar ‘n wettige geldige rede is
waarom ‘n huwelik of ‘n verlowing nie as
wettig beskou kan word nie en die
normale gevolge nie daarop volg nie.


Capable of being made void, e.g. a
contract entered into by a minor is
voidable upon his/her reaching majority.


Kan nietig verklaar word. ‘n Kontrak wat
deur ‘n minderjarige gesluit is, kan bv.
nietig verklaar word wanneer hy/sy
mondig word.


When one renounces or disclaims a
benefit. He/she is said to waive a tort /
injury when he/she abandons the
concomitant remedy provided for by

Afstand doen

Wanneer iemand van ‘n voorreg afsien of
dit van die hand wys. Daar word gesê dat
iemand van ‘n delik / onregmatige daad
afstand doen wanneer hy/sy die
gepaardgaande regsmiddel waarvoor die
reg voorsiening maak, laat vaar.

Wrongful conduct

An act that unjustly infringes on
another’s rights.

Onregmatige gedrag

‘n Handeling wat onregmatig inbreuk
maak op iemand anders se regte


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Afrikaans/English: Legal Terms for Family Law
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Afrikaans/English: Legal Terms for Family Law
The article explains what is family law and provides you with legal terms used in family as well as their Afrikaans translations.
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