Soccer is one the popular sport in South Africa, it is known to bring people together and unite a nation. As one of the most popular sports in the world, soccer can be a great way to start a conversation with locals and put your language skills to the test.
However, the sheer amount of vocabulary can make this a daunting task! Soccer talk can be chock full of idioms, slang, and informal expressions and it doesn’t help that the announcers usually talk at the speed of sound.
This Afrikaans/English soccer terms glossary will help you learn the basic vocabulary of the most popular sport: football.
Learn these words, and you can be a part of the conversation. Below is the Afrikaans/English soccer terms glossary to help you get a head start on being the number one soccer fan.
Afrikaans/English soccer terms
English | Afrikaans |
African Football Confederation (CAF) | Konfederasie van Afrika-voetbal |
Confederation of Southern African Football Associations (COSAFA) | Sokkerverenigingskonfederasie van Suider-Afrika |
Terminate | Afgelas {wedstryd} |
Foul language | Beledigende taal |
Accidental collision | Toevallige botsing |
Advantage rule | Voordeelreël |
African Champions League | Afrika-kampioeneliga |
African Cup of Nations | Afrika-nasieskampioenskap |
Amateur | Amateur |
Application {law} | Toepassing {reël} |
Assistant coach/trainer | Hulpafrigter |
Linesman | Lynregter |
Assistant referee’s flag | Lynregtersvlaggie |
Attack | Aanval |
Attacker/Striker | Doelskieter |
Attacking team/side | Span wat aanval/Span op die aanval |
Away game | Wegwedstryd |
Away goal rule | Wegdoelreël |
Backheel | Hakskop |
Backward pass | Agtertoe-aangee |
Ballboy | Baljoggie |
Ball distribution | Balverspreiding |
Ball out of play | Bal buite spel |
Ball possession | Balbesit |
Ball to the hand | Handbal |
Best young player award | Beste-jong-speler-toekenning |
Bicycle kick | Wawielskop |
Block tackle | Blok |
Body check | Lyfblok |
Breakaway | Wegbars/Wegbreek |
Bring the game into disrepute | Die spel in onguns bring |
Broadcast | Uitsending |
Broadcasting rights | Uitsaairegte |
Camp | Oefenkamp |
Cap | Verskyning vir jou land |
Captain | Kaptein |
Captain’s armband | Kapteinsband |
Caution a player | ‘n speler waarsku |
Central circle | Middelsirkel |
Central defence | Middelverdedigers |
Centre flag | Middellynvlag |
Centre line | Middellyn |
Centre mark | Middelkol |
Challenge {for ball possession} | Wedywering {om balbesit} |
Challenge {for ball possession} | Wedywer {om balbesit} |
Change room | Kleedkamer |
Charge an opponent | ‘n opponent storm/’n opponent stormloop |
Charge an opponent from behind | ‘n opponent van agter storm/’n opponent van agter stormloop |
Charge fairly | Korrek storm/Korrek stormloop |
Charge in a dangerous manner | Op gevaarlike wyse storm/Ogevaarlike wyse stormloop |
Chase the ball | Die bal jaag |
Chest trap | Bal op die bors vang/Bal met die bors keer |
Chip {short or long} | Boogaangee {kort of lank} |
Choice of ends | Speelkantkeuse |
Circumvent the law | Die reël omseil/Die reël ontduik |
Club | Klub |
Club assistant referee | Klubgrensregter |
Club committee | Klubkomitee |
Club official | Klubbeampte |
Coach/Head coach/Trainer | Afrigter/Breier |
Competition draw | Kompetisieloting/Kompetisietrekking |
Corner arc/Arc of a circle | Hoekboog |
Corner flag | Hoekvlag |
Corner kick | Hoekskop |
Counterattack | Teenaanval |
Cramp | Kramp |
Create space | ‘n gaping skep/’n spasie skep |
Cross | Dwarsskopaangee/Dwarsskop |
Crossbar | Dwarsbalk/Dwarslat |
Crossfield pass | Dwarsveldaangee |
Cup final | Bekereindstryd |
Curler/Banana kick | Krulskop |
Curtain raiser | Voorwedstryd |
Cut | Swenkskop/Systap |
Dangerous play | Gevaarlike spel |
Dead ball | Die bal is dood/Dooie bal |
Debut | Debuut |
Defective ball | Foutiewe bal/Foutbal |
Defence | Verdediging |
Defender | Verdediger |
Defending champions | Verdedigende kampioene |
Deflection | Defleksie |
Derby | Derby |
Diagonal system of control | Diagonale kontrolesisteem |
Direct free kick | Direkte vryskop |
Disciplinary sanction | Tugstappe |
Dissent | Verskil |
Diving header | Duikkopskoot |
Double caution | Dubbele geelkaart/Tweede geelkaart |
Double-footed | Dubbelvoetig |
Double-footed player/Two-footed player | Dubbelvoetige speler |
Double-header | Dubbeldoortoernooi |
Draw | Onbesliste uitslag |
Dribble | Dribbel |
Drop ball | Skeidsregtersbal |
Dummy run | Flousbeweging/Flouslopie |
Duration {match} | Duur {wedstryd}/Tydsduur |
Emblem | Embleem/Kenteken |
Equaliser | Gelykmaker |
Extra time/Overtime | Ekstra tyd |
Feint a kick | ‘n flousskop gee/’n flousskop uitvoer |
Federation of International Football Associations | Internasionale Sokkerfederasie |
FIFA fair play trophy | FIFA-skoonspeltrofee |
FIFA world cup | FIFA-wêreldbeker |
Final | Eindstryd/Finaal |
Final leg | Finale been/Finale rondte |
First division | Eerste liga |
First half {match} | Eerste helfte {wedstryd} |
First leg | Eerste been |
Fixture | Wedstrydbepaling |
Flagpost | Vlagpaaltjie |
Flick | Aangee |
Footballer | Sokkerspeler |
Foot up | Voetfout |
Formation | Formasie |
Foul play | Gemene spel |
Foul throw | Foutingooi |
Fourth official | Vierde beampte |
Fracture | Beenbreuk |
Free kick | Vryskop |
Free transfer | Gratis oorplasing/Vry oorplasing |
Friendly match | Vriendskaplike wedstryd |
Goal | Doel |
Goal area | Doelgebied |
Goalkeeper/Goalie | Doelwagter |
Goalkeeper coach | Doelwagterafrigter/Doelwagterbreier |
Goal kick | Inskop uit doelgebied |
Goal line | Doellyn {binne doelhok} |
Goalpost | Doelpaal |
Goalscorer | Doelskopper |
Golden ball award | Gouebal-toekenning |
Golden shoe award/Golden boot award | Goueskoen-toekenning |
Half-time/Half-time interval | Rustyd |
Handball/Hand to the ball | Handbal |
Hat trick | Driekuns |
Header | Kopskoot |
Home game | Tuiswedstryd |
Home ground | Tuisveld |
Home team | Tuisspan |
Hosting team | Gasheerspan |
Impede | Blokkeer |
Indirect free kick | Indirekte vryskop |
Infringement {rules}/Violation | Oortreding {reëls} |
Injury | Besering |
Inswinger | Inswaaier |
Intercept | Onderskep {bal} |
Interfere with play | Met spel inmeng |
International club competition | Internasionale klubkompetisie |
International committee | Internasionale komitee |
International match | Internasionale wedstryd/Toetswedstryd |
International referee | Internasionale skeidsregter/Toetsskeidsregter |
Jersey | Trui |
Juggling | Jonglering |
kick-off {centre line} | Afskop {middellyn} |
Knee guard | Knieskerm/Knieskut |
Knock-out competition | Uitklopkompetisie |
League | Liga |
Left-footed player | Linksvoetige speler |
Leg {match} | Been {wedstryd} |
Ligament | Ligament |
Lob the ball | Die bal luglangs skop |
Logo | Logo |
Long-range shot | Langafstand-doelskoot |
Man-of-the-match-award | Speler-van-die-wedstryd-toekenning |
Man-to-man | Man-tot-man |
Marking {opponent} | Merk {opponent} |
Masters team | Veteranespan |
Match/Game | Wedstryd |
Match commissioner | Wedstrydkommissaris |
Match official | Assistentskeidsregter |
Midfield | Middelveld |
Midfield player | Middelveldspeler |
Miss-kick | Mis skop |
Most entertaining team award | Spantoekenning vir aantreklikste sokker |
National team | Nasionale span |
Nutmeg | Mikskop/Kettieskop |
Obstruction | Obstruksie |
Officiate {e.g. referee} | Optree (bv. skeidsregter) |
Off season | Buiteseisoen |
Offside | Onkant |
Offside position | Onkantposisie |
Offside trap | Onkantlokval |
One-man advantage | Ekstraspelervoordeel |
Onside | Aankant |
Opponent | Opponent |
Outswinger | Uitswaaier |
Overhead kick | Oorhoofse skop |
Overlap | Oorslaan |
Own goal | Eie doel |
Pace | Tempo |
Pass | Aangee |
Penalize | Straf |
Penalty | Straf |
Penalty area | Strafskopgebied |
Penalty kick/Spot kick | Strafskop |
Penalty mark/Penalty spot | Strafskopmerk |
Penalty shootout | Uitklopdoelstryd |
Penalty-taker | Skopper |
Pitch | Field of play |
Pivot kick | Draaiskop |
Place kick | Stelskop |
Player-of-the-year-award | Speler-van-die-jaar-toekenning |
Play offs | Uitspeelwedstryde |
Play on | Speel voort |
Possession {ball} | Besit {bal} |
Premier Soccer League | Premier-Sokkerliga |
Pre-season | Voorseisoen |
Professional foul | Doelbewuste fout |
Punt | Kortskoppie/Skoppie |
Qualifier | Uitdunwedstryd |
Qualify | Kwalifiseer |
Qualifying matches or games | Uitdunwedstryde |
Rebound {ball} | Terugspring {bal} |
Red card | Rooikaart |
Referee | Skeidsregter |
Referee’s whistle | Fluitjie |
Relegate | Relegeer/Afskuif |
Relegation | Relegasie |
Relegation zone | Relegasiesone |
Reserve | Plaasvervanger/Reserwe |
Retaliate | Weerwraak neem |
Reverse a decision | ‘n beslissing omkeer |
Right-footed player | Regsvoetige speler |
Roving player/Free-role player | Vryspelspeler |
Rules of the game | Spelreëls/Reëls van die spel |
Runner-up | Naaswenner |
South African Football Association (SAFA) | Suid-Afrikaanse Sokkervereniging/SA Voetbalvereniging |
South African Football Players Union (SAFPU) | Suid-Afrikaanse Sokkerspelersvereniging/SA Voetbalspelersvereniging |
Save | Goeie keerslag |
Score (noun) | Telling |
Score (verb) | Doel aanteken |
Season | Seisoen |
Second division | Tweede liga |
Second half {match} | Tweede helfte {wedstryd} |
Second leg | Tweede been |
Semi-final | Halfeindrondte/Semifinaal |
Shielding | Wegkering |
Shin guard/Shin pad | Skeenskut/Skeenskerm |
Short-handed | Onderbeman {onderbemande span} |
Shot | Skoot |
Sideline/Touch line | Kantlyn |
Signal | Teken |
Signing-on fee | Aankoopbedrag/Aankoopgeld |
Simulation | Voorgeëry |
Sliding tackle | Skuifneerbring |
Soccer academy | Sokkerakademie |
Soccer analyst | Sokkerontleder |
Soccer boot | Sokkerstewel |
Soccer kit | Sokkeruitrusting |
Soccer tournament/tournament | Sokkertoernooi |
Spectacular | Skouspelagtige wedstryd |
Spectator | Toeskouer |
Squad | Oefengroep |
Square pass | Hoekaangee |
Stationary ball | Stil bal/Lêbal |
Stoppage time/Referee’s optional time/Injury time/Additional time | Ekstra tyd |
Stud | Soolknoppie |
Studs showing | Soolknoppies wat wys |
Substitute | Plaasvervanger |
Substitutes’ bench/Reserves’ bench/Bench | Plaasvervangersbank/Reserwebank |
Substitution | Vervanging |
Sudden death | Uitklop |
Sweeper | Veër |
Tackle | Aanvat |
Target player | Teikenspeler |
Team colours | Spandrag |
Team manager | Spanbestuurder |
Team official | Spanbeampte |
Team sponsorship | Spanborgskap |
Technical area | Tegniese gebied/Tegniese area |
Technical team | Tegniese span |
Temporary suspension of play | Tydelike staking van spel |
Through pass | Deuraangee |
Throw in | Ingooi |
Time wasting tactic | Tydverspillingstaktiek |
Top goal scorer award | Topdoelskietertoekenning |
Toss | Loot |
Training session | Oefensessie |
Trophy | Trofee |
Two-touch passing | Dubbele aangee |
Underdogs | Niegunstelinge |
Unintentional handball | Onopsetlike handbal |
Unregistered player | Ongeregistreerde speler |
Unsportsmanlike conduct | Venue |
Violent conduct | Gewelddadige optrede/gewelddadige spel |
Visiting team | Besoekende span/Besoekerspan |
Volley | Vlugbal |
Wall {of players, defenders} | Muur {van spelers, verdedigers} |
Warm-up | Opwarm |
Win-draw-loss record | Wen-verloor-rekord/Uitslagrekord |
Wing {area} | Vleuelgebied {gebied} |
Winger {position of player} | Vleuel {posisie van speler} |
Winner takes all | Wenner kry alles |
Winning team | Wenspan |
Yashin award | Yashin-toekenning |
Yellow card | Geelkaart |
Youth International Match | Internasionale Jeugwedstryd |
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